Conversion Optimization

Reimagining Your Landing Page

First impressions are important-- make sure your website is saying what you want by reinventing your landing page.

When visitors end up on your site, do you want them to stick around? Of course! Said another way, you want your bounce rate, the rate at which people leave your site after viewing one page, to be as low as possible. Studies have shown that as many as 9 out of 10 visitors will “bounce” from the average landing page. Reimagining your landing page can be a great way to keep visitors on your site longer and ultimately increase your site’s effectiveness.

Before you jump into a landing page revamp, there are a couple of things you should think about:

  • Do you really need a new landing page?
  • What do you want your landing page to accomplish?
  • Could utilizing these tips and tricks improve your landing page design?

Figuring Out Whether or Not Your Landing Page Needs an Update

Think before you commit

Reinventing your landing page, like any digital project, will take some time and resources if you want to get it right. Before you decide to delete anything, conduct some research on the page you already have. Gathering visitor interaction data will help you make an informed decision about whether or not a new landing page will be worth the work.

goal planning
‍It’s helpful to take some time to gather information about your current landing page and think about your website’s goals before beginning a landing page redesign.

Information you’ll want to consider

There are a lot of ways to gather information about a webpage, and some of them are more effective than others. To make the research phase of your landing page project quick and easy, take advantage of heat mapping, session recording, and form analysis tools. By using a variety of tools to examine how visitors interact with your current landing page, you’ll get a pretty clear picture of whether it’s working or not. There are tools that will even help you visualize your landing page’s strong points and problem areas, giving your redesign project a starting point.

Characteristics of Highly-Effective Landing Pages

Uncluttered Design

In many ways, your landing page becomes your website’s face, so it’s important for it to look good. Landing pages exist to capture attention, engage interest, and generate action, so keep those functionalities in mind when you put together your design. Eliminate anything that might distract from your goal to draw visitors’ eyes where you want them to go.

The Hustle landing page
The Hustle’s landing page draws attention to the email signup field by keeping other content on the page to a minimum and incorporating enough empty space.

One Simple, Effective Call to Action

Even if you ultimately want your visitors to complete more than one action, it’s best to select just one for the landing page. Decide the most important task: is it to fill out a survey, sign up for your newsletter, or purchase your newest product? Whatever you choose, make that task the star of the show and move others to a different page. Doing this will add focus to your page and increase the chance that visitors stay long enough to explore the rest of your site and find the other tasks you would like them to complete as well.

Informative, Supporting Copy

While you don’t want your visitors to get lost in unnecessary text, you must provide them with information. Using the right amount of text won’t interfere with clean design, and will make your website seem more credible. Provide only the most compelling and relevant details on your landing page to strike a balance between design and functionality, making your landing page much more effective.

Snapology landing page
Snapology’s landing page includes high-quality supporting content without taking away from their call to action links.

Your landing page plays a huge role in your website’s bounce rate. Keep these tips in mind in order to capture more leads and convert them into paying customers.

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