Conversion Optimization

Understanding Visitor Segmentation to Increase Web Conversions

Optimize your business and online conversions through the power of user segmentation- your business will boom!

Every site visitor is different and thus behaves differently. Some users come to a site to browse, others to buy- the key is to try to adapt to make even your most mindless browsers into potential clients. Using visitor segmentation and refining your online marketing techniques can increase your business and your connection to customers.

The more you reply to what your customers want and need, the more likely they are to come back to you again and again. You need proper visitor segmentation to know what your strongest and weakest marketing channels are. By monitoring site metrics using A/B tests or other online tools, you can further manage and prepare ahead for meeting your visitors’ needs.

What is Segmentation, and How to Do It

It’s super easy to segment your visitors- we’ll tell you how

Segmentation divides your large market into smaller markets based on demographics and interests. For example, you can segment your visitors into age groups to see what each age group is most interested in. Via segmentation, you can customize your products and services to aid each specific group of people.

Ways to segment

1. The Amazon Approach

2. New and Repeat Visitors

For repeat visitors, you’ll want to provide incentives. Finding a loyal customer can be hard these days, so you want to treat your loyal customers very well. Have a sign-in page for repeat customers so they can more easily access products specific to them and save their searches.

3. Location-based

You can segment your visitors geographically as a demographic. This form of segmentation is super popular and easy. The idea is that people who live in the same areas have similar interests and dislikes. Thus, you can market things better suited to them. Someone in Antarctica doesn’t want a swimsuit- sell them coats instead!

4. Behavior-based

Dependent on your industry, behavior-based segmentation can be either broad or case-by-case. You can track the number of visits a non-paying customer gave your site before becoming a paid customer. You can track which page a particular visitor goes to most. Amazon uses this type of segmentation to have specific home pages for each unique visitor. They note visitor behavior and then personalize their home pages.

5. Site Traffic

With this type of segmentation you can divide visitors based on where they first found your page- did they click on it from an email, from somewhere on social media, or from a PPC campaign? You can watch traffic from each type of source and use that info to change your marketing.

6. URL

Sites use both internal site URLS and external URLS and both are important for segmentation. For example, you can create a URl that gives first-time visitors a special coupon. External URLS usually come from other site referrals, and you can use these referrals to get a sense of where else on the internet your demographics go to. You can specialize your landing page based on where visitors come from, allowing you to lock onto their interests and better market to them.


What to do with the above data collected

After you receive data from the above segmentation methods, now you must convert it into usable info. For example, you need to access site traffic data to figure out which social media site brings more traffic to you. When trying to succeed in segmenting your conversions, remember to keep best-practice strategies in mind.

Your site visitors will always be unique and it’s your job to make sure that, as a marketer, you’re segmenting them and attending to them properly. After segmenting your visitors as we showed in this guide, you can set variables in Google Analytics. Then, remember to use your segments with relevant keywords, URLs, and the like. Congrats- you’re now bound to have higher conversion rates from your targeted segmentation!

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